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Application Management Services

AI-enabled smart way to manage business processes

Application Management Services

Applications have become the backbone of today’s enterprises. They integrate various functions and departments and help create a well-stitched transparent view of the organization’s operations. However, while necessary and costly, these applications and systems are complicated to manage and run daily.

Application Management Services (AMS) are processes and methodologies for maintaining, improving, and managing ERP environments. However, with rapidly advancing technology and business environments, traditional or legacy AMS setup has become a liability instead of an asset. It often adds additional baggage to the organization’s IT infrastructure and slows things down.

Backed by talented experts and innovation-led work culture, Bosch’s AI-driven AMS is a perfect fit for a modern-day enterprise. It leverages data-driven technologies such as AI and ML to make your AMS smarter.

It has intelligent features such as RPA for automating repetitive tasks, a chatbot for quick assistance, proactive monitoring, efficient ticket dispatching, accurate SLA tracking, and comprehensive service request automation.

Bosch AMS supports business applications worldwide for various industries, from incident management to change management, from service requests & monitoring to language layer support.

Traditional AMS vs. Bosch enabled AMS


AMS Solution

Bosch employs its well-curated DSNA model to enable transitioning from legacy systems and practices to AI-AMS easier and smoother.


Bosch AMS Deployment Models

Bosch AMS Drives Business Values


Efficient Ticket Management

Bosch AMS uses AI and ML technologies to enable efficient ticket management and reduces the ticket velocity up to 60%.

  • Automated ticket prioritization
  • Accurate prediction of ticket velocity for up to 3-4 months
  • Automated ticket routing to the right expert (identifies ticket hops of previous tickets)
  • Recognizes redundant tickets
  • Performs casual categorization (using NLP)
  • Automated ticket resolution

Bosch AMS identifies the various ticket categories based on a pre-defined SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), NLP-based categorization, and classification models, together with RPA for efficient ticket management in a seamless manner.


Clear and Well-organized SLAs

Bosch AMS uses AI to enable automated and efficient SLA management by organizing and assigning SLAs based on historical ticket resolution time and past task complexity. While usually, it would be the helpdesk’s task to define SLAs, Bosch AMS does this with minimal human intervention to reduce delays and errors.


High Return on Investment (ROI)

Bosch SAP AMS helps optimize operations by integrating all operations requirements in one place. It ensures easy adherence to SLAs and efficiently manages distributed costs in a multi-vendor environment. This aspect ultimately provides high-value returns on your initial investment.


Continuous Improvement

Bosch AMS, unlike other traditional AMS, uses AI to recognize hidden patterns in data and learns from them to improve various AMS processes continuously. As a result, it is the best combination of humans and machines working together to quickly adapt to the business environment’s changing needs.


Business Process Optimisation

Bosch AMS caters to an organization’s need of being more process-centered, agile at provisioning resources & services, and even helps them quickly adapt & optimize various business processes. With Bosch AMS in place, the IT teams need not continuously update the systems, software, and operations.


Continuity, Scalability, and Sustainability

Bosch AMS allows business processes to function reliably and continuously and scale sustainably without being disrupted by sudden IT transformational changes.


A one-stop suite for workplace collaboration

Bosch Intelligence Grid


With AI at its core, Bosch AMS has become genuinely efficient at:




AI Driven AMS whitepaper

AI Driven AMS whitepaper